The contemporary tendencies of the globalization phenomenon and the rapid development in the field of Information and Communication technology(ICT), have inevitably influenced the cadastral domain. It has been acknowledged that cadastral systems face a number of challenges ranging from technological pressure to user friendly requirement changes. A new modeling language, the Unified Modelling Language (UML) has recently in the last few years and has taken the world by the storm. It is becoming increasingly important in modern software development. The Unified Modelling Language has been described as a “Graphical Language for visualizing, specifying, constructing and documenting the artefacts of a software intensive system” Due to the wide acceptance of UML as de facto industry standard and also owing to the remedies it offers for the challenges in the cadastral system, this research was conducted to model the cadastral processes in the cadastral system of Enugu State via the GRAPPLE
( Guidelines for Rapid Application Engineering) development processes to address some of the challenges facing the cadastral surveying domain in Enugu State and also the Cadastral systems in general. Using the Unified Modelling Language (UML), the cadastral processes of Enugu State was modeled and represented in several UML diagrams: package, class, use case, activity and sequence. This work has shown how the UML fitted in well to the cadastral domain and how its use in the Enugu State cadastral system is bound to result in more optimal cadastral system.