This paper examined use of Information and Communication Technology in
management of indigenous 'knot:vledge; in archlpes,public libraries-and museumsinNigeria.
Four objectives and one hypothesis-guided the study. The study is a descriptive survey. The
population consists of eleven knowledge centres; one (1) archive, five (5) .pubiic ltbraries,. and
five (5) museums. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, it had four clusters.
Content analyses, means and t-test were used in the analysis. Findings showed that historical
event is the only indigenous knowledge system existing in the archive. Microfilms .andDi/Ir's are
used in velY high extent in archives and museums, while scanners are of high extent use in
librories. The study concluded that. leT tools are of high extent use in Nigerian cultural
institutions. Jt was recommended that archives and museums Should replace microfilms with
DVDs and CD-ROMs respectively. since microfilmtechnologyis becomingoutdated. .