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Prevalence of Caprine Strongyle Infection and The Diagnostic Efficacy of Some Media for Faecal Culture and Nematode larval Recovery from Goat Faeces

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dc.contributor.author Nnwosu, Chukwunyere Okwudiri.,
dc.contributor.author Iwuoha, Chimaobi Lawrence.,
dc.contributor.author Torru, Churchill.,
dc.contributor.author Mohammed, Ali
dc.date.accessioned 2018-09-20T12:29:21Z
dc.date.available 2018-09-20T12:29:21Z
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.identifier.citation Nnwosu, Chukwunyere Okwudiri., Iwuoha, Chimaobi Lawrence., Torru, Churchill., Mohammed, Ali .(2006) Prevalence of Caprine Strongyle Infection and The Diagnostic Efficacy of Some Media for Faecal Culture and Nematode larval Recovery from Goat Faeces.Animal Research International.(2006) 3(1): 419 – 421 419.ISSN 159-3115 en_US
dc.identifier.issn 159-3115
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.unn.edu.ng/xmlui/handle/123456789/7422
dc.description.abstract The prevalen ce of capri n e strongyle in fections and the diagnostic efficacy of s o me culture media in sup p o rt i n g the recovery of st rong y l e l a rvae w e re eval uat e d usi n g 840 f a ecal samp e s col l e ct ed from goats during slaughter at Ma iduguri Metropolitan abattoir. Faecal exam ination conducted by t h e mod fi ed McMast er t e chni q u e reveal ed that out of 840 g o at s exami n ed , 708 (83 . 8 %) shed d e d strongyle e g gs in their faeces. The prevalence of infect ion was signif ican tly (P < 0 05 ) higher among female, young and diarrhoeic goats than th e i r corresponding male, adult and non-diarrheic counterparts. Faecal cultu r e and larval recovery us ing the tes t tu be filter pape r technique r e vealed that the dire ct culture o faecal samples witho u t any additio n al culture medium sup p o r ted the recovery of the largest nu mber of nem a tode infec v e larvae from the faece s . When th is was used as a st and a rd (100% eg g hat c h or 0% red u ct i o n i n eg g hat c h), l a rval recovery w a s hi g h est (P<0. 05) f r o m g o at f a eces (98.4 %) f o l o w e d resp ectively by s h eep faeces (57. 7 %), cow faeces (52. 4 %), ho rse f a eces (4 2.3 %) and s o (18.6 %) as culture m e dia. The res u lts there f ore indicate the super o r diagno stic q u ality o go at faeces as a culture m e dium for the recovery of i n fective nematode stages in goat faeces. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Animal Research International en_US
dc.subject Strongyle Infection, Faecal Culture Media, Culture Media Efficacy, Goat en_US
dc.title Prevalence of Caprine Strongyle Infection and The Diagnostic Efficacy of Some Media for Faecal Culture and Nematode larval Recovery from Goat Faeces en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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