The research focused on the Impact of Performance Appraisal on Employees' Job Performance using Consolidated Brewery, Awo Omamma and Nigeria Brewery Plc,Ama, Enugu State as case studies. The main objective of the study was to determine when the r performance appraisal has any impact on job performance o f employees and the extent o f such impacts. The researcher adopted the primary method of data collection through the use o f structured Questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed and presented in tables while the Chi-square (X2) was used in testing the hypothesis. Findings from the research show that performance appraisal has positive imp act on employees' job performance. Moreover, the respondents all agree d that the Behavioural Checklist and Scales Appraisal System was the best appraisal system to be adopted by an organization. Based on the research findings, the researcher recommends among others that organization and employees must have a clear idea of where the organization is going and employees must understand how their job contributes to the goals of the company. Besides, employees must be give n the needed training to ensure they have the skills needed to perform their work. Finally, the research er further recommend s that supervisors must give feedback to employees about their performance on regular basics not just at formal appraisal times.