This is a cross sectional interventional study of the aware ness, and practice of Insecticide
Treated Nets (ITNs) among women aged between 15 - 45 years with Children less than 5
years in Oji-River Urban ofOji-river Local Government Area of Enugu State .
A multi stage sampling was used in selecting 400 women for this study, the result of the
analysis show that the knowledge of malaria, the mode of transmission, the season of
occurrence, and the symptoms were poor. Similarly, the knowledge of the Insecticide
Treated Nets (lTNs) as a preventive measure for malaria and the way it is used was Iow
prior to the intervention activity. The health education activity however improved their
knowledge of malaria and ITNs and the use. The results were statistically significant for pre and post intervention (P::; 0.05) hence health education is shown as effective strategy tool by this study for improving the awareness and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) by rural communities. The results were stastistically significant for pre and post intervention (P< 0.(5). Hence health education is shown as efficient tool by this study for improving the awareness, attitude and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) by rural communities.