Ministry of Justice law library is one of the law libraries established to service the Ministry that is the parent organization as well as the law officers. Descriptive study was used to investigate the information needs and information seeking behavior of law officers in the Ministry of Justice. The target population in this study focused on law officers. The stratified random sampling method was used to select 320 respondents out of 500 law officers in the Ministry. 8 research questions were formulated for the study. The data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentages. The study revealed that inadequate resources and services were the major problems encountered by the law officers to the use of the library. Others include lack of internet or network connectivity in the library; this makes most of the law officers to stay mainly in their private officers and even at home to browse from their laptop computer. Lack of current material; lack of law librarian all become main barrier from using the law library. The study revealed that their information needs are mainly in legal matters, research on current legal issues. That they sourced their information needs by using law reports, consulting experienced lawyers. The study recommended that Ministry of Justice law library should be equipped with relevant and current law books, be computerized and have internet connection, there should be qualified librarian and adequate resources and services for effective dispensation of Justice.