The project is a study of the problems of inventory Management in newspaper organizations. Six newspaper firms in Anambra, Imo and Enuqu States were used for the study. The problem is to investigate the f actors militating against efficient management of inventory in publishing firms. The main objectives of the study are to find ways of controlling investment in inventory so as to maintain it at an optimum level and yet ensure a continuous supply of raw materials and hence uninterrupted production. The study is significant in the following ways. (i) To draw the attention of practicing managers of newspaper industries to scientific approach of analysis of inventory problems in their firms, To provide an insight to prospective managers in case of concentration in management of inventory in newspaper firms. The study is undertaken on the bases of four hypotheses built around the factors suspected to be responsible for inefficient inventory management. Data for the study are collected through the use of questionnaire on the basis of the ana1ysis of data collected. Major findings were identified arising from these findings; a number of recommendations are made The project report concludes by urging managers of inventory in the newspaper organization to ensure efficient management of inventory through the application of scientific inventory system.