Marginalization, political exclusiveness, differences in culture and religions are usually the seeds of discord in politically and ethnically diverse political system. Sudan is one of those countries in which these features manifest greatly with war as its attendant consequences. Peace building efforts of ICC in Sudan is as a result of consistent and persistent war situation in Sudan in which all political solutions were defiled. This study focuses on the role of ICC and the peace building process in Sudan. It also approached the study by examining the following specific objectives: whether the investigation of crimes against humanity led to improved confidence on the intercessory rule of ICC and if prosecution of war crimes led to the compensation of victims. The study adopted qualitative method of data collection. Data was obtained from secondary sources that included books, book chapters, journals, and e- libraries. The study adopted content method of data analysis. This work adopted the theory of symbolic politics as theoretical base for the research. The results showed that the investigation of crimes against humanity did not lead to improved confidence on the intercessory role of ICC. It also revealed that prosecution of war crimes did not also lead to the compensation of victims. To prevent this experience in the future the study recommends, secularism, inclusiveness, proper revenue sharing, even spade of infrastructural development and neutral ICC.