This project is a Social network that integrates biometrics as means of authentication. This research work proposes a strong argument for the use of biometrics as factor of authentication for social websites, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access critical data and also make it possible to trace and apprehend malicious users or criminal elements using the popularity of Social media as means of communication, to carry out their vices. Social network that rely on user names and passwords alone, as the trend currently is, may be providing access to sensitive information, personal data, private communication or online activities to unauthorized individu-als. By adding a biometric layer of security using your unique fingerprint, only authorized individuals can gain access to critical websites, networks and web-based applications asdeployed in this research work. The Social network is a web application developed using PHP, CSS, MYSQL as a relational database and Java for the biometrics layer. Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) was used to develop the system and Unified modeling language (UML) was used to model the software.