Stylistics hopes to study the conduits between language and literature. This study, in as much as it does this, also stretches further to give an aid to the study of the motif of double-self in Achebe's Things Fall Apart and Adichie's Purple Hibiscus; this, it makes its main study in these texts. This paper will study the two protagonists of the texts in the light of style and this motif through some aspects narrative theory and psychoanalysis as seen in chapter three. Chapter one introduces the paper, its objectives and the gap the paper intends to fill in knowledge. In chapter four, the styles inherent in the two texts are explored, and it also explores how these styles pave way to the opposing selves' battle for triumph while the characters are kept, almost entirely in the dark. Chapter Five summaries and concludes the study. One will see how Kambili struggles to become herself, to live out her true self off the life Eugene expects of her; and how the cause of Okonkwo’s fall is intrinsic, how he is ill-fated to his doom with fear built as its paddle.