This study examines blame game among Nigerians in the light of individual and collective responsibility in Ezekiel 18:1-4. The idea of blaming others for all the misfortune of today is a problem of a great concern to keen observers as it was to prophet Ezekiel during Israel's exile. Hence, it becomes a thing of concern to every well meaning Nigerian as it was to prophet Ezekiel during his time as to why people always shy away from accepting responsibilities when things go contrary to the anticipated result. Most people point accusing fingers at others without noticing that the remaining fingers are pointing back at them. The present political administration in Nigeria (especially the presidency) has kept heaping blame on the past administrations without making much effort to make a difference. The bulk of blame game in Nigeria has brought set back in almost if not all sectors of the country. Hence the researcher thought it wise to deploy Ezekiel 18:1-4 in tackling the menace of blame game in Nigeria. The researcher adopted Historical-Critical Method. Form Criticism which is an aspect of Historical-Critical Method was specifically used in this research work. The research work revealed the attitude of most Nigerians toward individual responsibility. It is obvious that in Nigeria, most Nigerians understanding of individual and collective responsibility is synonymous with that of the Israelite nation of Ezekiel's time which depicts irresponsibility and shifting of blames to previous generations because of their belief in inherited punishment. Every Nigerian should understand that their destiny is in their own hands and thus strive to ensure that they do not destroy it. Every elected leader should desist from continually blaming past leaders but should take responsibility during their era of government.