The narrative of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 presents Jesus’ teaching on love for God and love for neighbour. Love in this context points at the fulfillment of the law. The implication is to fulfill the requirement for eternal living, reciprocate God’s love, and create a harmonious society. By redaction critical analysis and exegesis of the text, it was discovered that love in this context is a command and a prerequisite of all laws. The study is aimed at enumerating the concept of love as fulfillment of the law; portraying the way through which God shows love to mankind and how mankind should reciprocate it towards God and fellow man. The study found that there is a paradigm shift as regards the conception and application of love amongst Nigerian Christians. It also found that Nigerian Christians consider some limitations and initiate some reservations in practice of love to their fellow Christians and non-Christians. If brotherliness is a summary and fulfillment of the Law and Prophets, and Jesus came to fulfill the law, He therefore came to restore brotherliness. Brotherliness is not a mere outward expression of compliment. It is a disposition of the heart that produces results. Expression of brotherliness must emanate from the heart. It must be a life. The paper recommends that Nigerian Christians should express love to their fellow without considering socio-religious and socio-economic affinity; just as the Good Samaritan did.